Kenny's Angling Guiding Service
Kenny's Angling Guiding Service
Kenny's Angling Guiding Service
Kenny's Angling Guiding Service
Kenny's Angling Guiding Service
Kenny's Angling Guiding Service
Kenny's Angling Guiding Service
Kenny's Angling Guiding Service
Kenny's Angling Guiding Service
Kenny's Angling Guiding Service
Kenny's Angling Guiding Service

June 18th Hampshire Avon

This was the day England were playing in the world cup I think it was Tunisia. I had said to Andy (you should have been here yesterday) that I wanted to see the game so would leave the river early. I was still on a high from the opening day so little need to be eager. I wanted to walk as much as the river as possible to see how things looked. Many swims had changed due to the flooding of the winter and the continuing high water of the spring.

So I walked and looked and walked and baited. Some swim were empty of fish and others had a few. Barbel were thin on the ground however there were some chub around. I started on one stretch but got blanked by some barbel. It’s just amazing how this happens. However it happens to the best of anglers too so I was in good company. I just don’t know where the day went but 3.30pm came and I had little to show for my efforts. I had chatted to many of the members of the syndicate so that had eaten into the hours.

I came to the one swim and the last for the day. I put out a good few pellets and waited a while. The swim consisted of the far bank being lined with trailing willow branches in the river. A perfect lie for chub and barbel. The visibility of the river had improved a little however not sufficient enough to see into this swim. Now my hearing is shot having worked in very noisy factories so I need to have bite indicators present to sound the alarm. I just can’t hear the bait runners clicking away. I use the ATTX’s which are very small and are perfect for this situation.

Again I was using a 6ft long hooklink and a size 12 hook with the two pellets glued together. I lost a barbel on the first cast as it took me into the willows and the line must have touched a branch or something. I was not best pleased.

The next cast was about 30mins old when the alarm sang out and the rod tip bounced around as a barbel tried several times to reach the willow branches. This time I think I was a little more prepared and gave it some stick stopping it from gaining too much line. It’s wonderful to see the fight in this clear water the barbel lunging for freedom and then me gaining control once more. All the time moving downstream away from the willows so that I can net the thing under my own bank. It looked a reasonable fish. Sure enough it was. 9lbs 2oz and my first barbel of the year.

9lbs 2oz barbel

I completed a self take and the photo’s were ok.

I told Andy about this and he was pleased.

I put out some more pellets and wandered off to look at another swim that had loads of chub in there. This one was much shallower and I could see them hovering up the pellets.

Soon I was back again casting out this bloody awfully long hooklink. Again a couple of times catching the branches of the trailing willows. Good job nobody was looking especially Andy as he would have made some encouraging comments.

At last the rod was on the indicator again and sure enough I had a few plucks and pulls from chub so at least I stand another chance for another fish. Bang around the tip went followed by a few bleeps from the buzzer. I pulled into another fish fish this time clearly not a barbel but a chub. It fought once more for the freedom of the willow branches however I wasn’t going to be fooled again. The process of moving downstream to the landing net is one that most Avon anglers are used to. The chub fought well under the tip however soon gave up in the slight slack it was netted in. It looked a beauty and at 5lbs 15oz it certainly was.

5lbs 15oz chub

I  phoned Andy once more to say things had gotten better. Time was ticking away and England were soon to be kicking off.

A few more pellets were tossed in again. This time I couldn’t wait to recast so straight back in again the bait went. After about 15 mins the rod belted around once more the alarm squeaked again and I was lifting into another chub that fought equally as well as the other. The same routine of playing and netting downstream was enacted. This time the chub was a little smaller and another self taking photo was enough.

5lbs 12oz

I was buzzing with the result and the luckiness of finding the swim. Time was going by quicker now and England had kicked off, and as the famous song goes “should I stay or should I go now” by the Clash was buzzing through my mind. Once again I told Andy. He must have been very pleased to hear this news (NOT).

The session was going to be get much better. A few more pellets went in and a recast made. Thinking that was that the tip bounced the alarm sprang into life and once more an angry chub belted off for the willow branches. The fight was truly spectacular lots of runs and tail wagging and lots of rod pulling and clutch giving and winding on my part. The chub look big and big it was on the scales at 6lbs 8oz. Now another phone call to Andy was made suggesting he come up and fish the swim after I had packed up and headed off for the footy. I kept the chub in the net until Andy arrived and he did the honours with the camera work.

I quickly packed up, I even loaned him my rod and reel so that he was prepared. Even when packing his rod top nodded a few times meaning that chub were still there.

I headed off to see the second half of the footy and get the dinner for the both of us. Andy continued fishing and didn’t have another bite. That was a big surprise for me.

So 3 big chub for 18lbs 3oz Happy days

Never mind best of mates for now!!!!

Me and Andy




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