Kenny's Angling Guiding Service
Kenny's Angling Guiding Service
Kenny's Angling Guiding Service
Kenny's Angling Guiding Service
Kenny's Angling Guiding Service
Kenny's Angling Guiding Service
Kenny's Angling Guiding Service
Kenny's Angling Guiding Service
Kenny's Angling Guiding Service
Kenny's Angling Guiding Service
Kenny's Angling Guiding Service

Blog post 300 and something special.

This is my 300th blog post. Sometimes it’s been very difficult to write this whilst having 101 jobs to do. However it’s great to recall adventures fishing with others and recapturing the special moments. Sometimes I’m a week or so away from the adventure however I try and keep it all fresh in my mind and jot it down in a rough form ready for the final draft.

Some would say that all my blogs posts are rough!


It’s funny most people have a days guiding with me and think that’s it. However I always say to people that I’m on the end of a phone for advice river conditions and where to fish for life.  One phone call away for advice on the venues and tactics is the norm.

So lets get down to this session.

John had been one of my very first customers, he had a couple of other guy’s who needed guiding on the river Wye in catching some barbel. These guy’s had used guides all over the world in catching some huge fish. No pressure there then.

Oh how I like a challenge. John had fished the Wye frequently and had struggled at times.

Mike and Ross were anglers, shooting types who loved the country life.

I pick John up from Bath at 5.30am and traveled to the Wye setting up the swims just before Ross and Mike arrived. A quick hello and soon we were off to the swims.

Now Mikes best barbel was a 5lb fish from the D.Stour where he fished as a young man. Ross had never caught one before so anything we caught today was going to be a pb for him.

So once we set up with the normal feeder and pellet approach we sat back drinking coffee and chatting. It was very clear that their expectations were low. Now being a very positive person I kept buoying the guy’s up.

Ross was on the rods and he soon was fighting a lively barbel that took some controlling. The barbel pulled hard in the current, however Ross had control of it, you could see he was used to playing fish.

Soon it was in the net and on the scales it went 7lbs 12oz his very first barbel.

Ross and 7lbs 12oz barbel

Ross and 7lbs 12oz barbel

The morning passed with little interest from other barbel and just a couple of small chub came our way. Not happy with the outcome we decided to cast downstream and bingo first cast we had a barbel of 6lbs 9oz to Mike and a new pb for him.

Ross was now back on the rods again and in 15 minutes he had a 5lb barbel in the net. So it was Mikes turn back on the rods.

The next fish was something special and I had seen Mike playing the fish after returning from moving John to another swim. It was a hell of a scrap and took loads of line from the reel and kept low on the river bed. Ross was going to do the honors with the net however when we saw the fish turn and twist in the current he gave the net to me. Don’t know why because he was more than capable of netting it. However after seeing the size of it, if it came came off near the net he would feel terrible for hid mate.

Mike did a great job of playing the fish. His arm was aching from the fight. I netted the fish for Mike thinking it was easily over 10lbs and possibly an eleven.

However on the scales it was exactly 10lbs not an oz over or under. A perfect Wye double.

Mike and his 10lb barbel

Mike and his 10lb barbel

It was Ross on the rods again. Unfortunately he lost a barbel after a wait. The hook pulled out. A very unusual experience.

However soon he was in again this time the fight was not from a barbel but a chub and what a belter, 5lbs 1 oz


Ross and his 5lbs 1oz chub

Ross and his 5lbs 1oz chub

John was still struggling to get a barbel, although he had a few chub. So we said to come and fish our swim as there was plenty of room for us all.

Next fish was Ross again as Mike had been over the moon with his double he allowed Ross to stay on the rods.

The rod hooped over and Ross was playing a really good fish he kept saying it was more powerful than his 7lbs 12oz barbel. My word it pulled back and lead him a merry dance around the swim.

Sure enough he was true to his word the weight went 7lbs 13oz and a new pb for him.

Ross and his new pb of 7lbs 13oz

Ross and his new pb of 7lbs 13oz

It was time for Mike and Ross to go as Mike needed to be away early in the morning to USA.

So with big hand shakes all around it was time to go.

Both guy’s great fun and real country gents. My funniest memory is Hidi with the exhaust and carburettor joke.

John continued fishing and caught a 6lbs 8oz barbel then lost another.

The final fish of the day was a perfect 9lber for John and a pb.

John and his 9lb pb barbel

John and his 9lb pb barbel

So great fun all around.





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